Sunday, 27 March 2016

A Very Vegan Easter

Aloha Vegan friends..and a Happy Easter to you!

Archi presenting me with an egg hahaha
My Easter this year started off slow and lonely, sat in bed watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch  missing my family, thinking of last year when I was flying around Harry Potter world drinking butter beer with my daddykins.

So yep, I didn't have high expectations, I had a little pitty party then remembered that Archi (my cat) had bought me an Easter Egg from asda yesterday!!..As if she went to all that effort and just knew that chocolate would cheer me!! haha
I would have inserted more up close pictures of the egg, but It seems to have idea where!!! All I can see is that asda freefrom Easter eggs are epic..and very moreish!

So after a whole series of Sabrina, my vegan Chummy Linn Boo invited me around and cooked me a nut-roast, all home made, completely tasty and made with pure vegan love (and insane effort with only one working shoulder atm!!) Without the Huddersfield Vegans, my beloved group, we would never have met, so if I have anything to thank veganism for (I have soo much to thank veganism for!!!) making fiends..FAMILY is one of them!
Me and the Mighty Boo, soo happy to have a vegan roast, epic chatter and wine!
THE Roast <3
So the above plate of beautiful food contained;

  • Homemade Nut roast, with chestnuts in..super yummmmmy
  • Leeks
  • Beans
  • Carrots cooked in maple syrup
  • Gravy
  • Roast Potatoes
  • and flipping sweet potatoes


Overall, a beautiful meal, with an awesome friend, totally made my Easter!!...Yay for vegan food, yay for vegan friends!!

Hope you all celebrated with cruelty free chocolate and a cruelty free roast, with people you care about!!

Thanks for reading

Much Love



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