Friday, 2 October 2015

Happy 1 year Vegan Birthday

Aloha Vegans

Its official..I have been Vegan..FOR 1 YEAR!!!

So naturally I celebrated with Vegan Cake

I am so friggin proud of myself, it wasnt always easy, the first month or so was so hard, but i stuck at it and here i am. 1 year Vegan, dairy free, egg fee and 13 years meat free!!

Thats all this post is..a celebration of my achievements!...All for the animals! <3 <3 <3 <3

Vegan life is the best kind of life i reckon. I'm a much happier person than I was this time last year. Its not a struggle, my friend and family have embraced it and I've had people I know join the Vegan community which is just friggin awesome!! I honestly didn't think I would stick it out..but I have and I am so bloomin proud!

I've learnt a few things too:

1.Vegan meet ups are the best
2.I can debate the best vegan chocolates and cheese for hours
3.Sourcing Vegan booze can be hard
4.Superdrug you are my hero
5.Vegan doesnt mean healthy (oh hey oreos)
6.Veganism is more than just food..its everything I am and do
7. People will always judge you for choosing compassion over greed
8.Eating out isnt as hard as I thought
9.Vegan cake is too easy to make!
10.I am way more sensitive to suffering: animal or Human.
11.I wish i had done this years ago
12.Accidents will happen-its ok..trying ones best is the best you can do
13.I will never get bored of vegan fairs
14.I want all the tattoos
15.Nutritional yeast enhances any meal
16.Im deffo team soya milk
17.I hate figs
18. Tofu is an art
19. Checking labels is basically a hobby
20.Youtube has the best vegan videos

I've learnt so much more..hah

Cheers cutie vegan faces

Keep going :P

Much Love

Vegan Ribs



  1. Congratulations!!!! :D So happy for you!!

    1. Thank you :)
      Here's to many more years :) :)
